Curtain City Ltd has been committed to the design of high-quality curtains and home products for many years; we cooperated with Curtain City to launch a series of famous painting curtains, hoping to perfectly integrate world-class famous painting art into home life. Straveling Muzeum has high-definition works of art masters of different factions, and jointly […]
窗簾城多年來致力於優質窗簾與家品設計,最新與Acestar Concept Limited合作推出The Traveling Muzeum名畫窗簾系列,希望將世界級名畫藝術完美融入家居生活之中。Straveling Muzeum擁有不同派別藝術大師的高清作品,與Acestar Concept Limited共同為名作進行二次開發,將頂級藝術引進各類品牌、市場規劃、視覺與多媒體設計及展覽策劃等服務,讓無價的藝術名作於日常生活中呈現另一種美感。是次,窗簾城就以專業的窗簾設計與製作科技,讓名畫於瑰麗的窗簾上展現獨一無二的氣派。


Twilight Venice
Oscar-Claude Monet

Starry Night